Assignment 6: Be classy

Due Friday, April 16, before midnight

The goals of this assignment are:

  • Work with classes, and objects

  • Work with loops, conditionals, and variables

  • Work with arrays, Strings, and files

In this assignment, you will implement a sound board, a program for playing short sound clips.

We will use classes to organize our program. The Sound class will represent individual clips, stored in a WAV file. The SoundLibrary class will manage a list of Sound objects. The full program, SoundBoard, will present the user with a list of sounds and allow them to play them.


Write a program,, which implements and tests a class names Sound. Your sound class represents a sound clip stored in a WAV. It should contain the name, duration, and WAV file of the sound.


  • Sound contains the following data (all data should be private):

    • mName of the sound (String)

    • mDuration of the sound in seconds (double)

    • mFilename of the WAV file (String)

  • Sound contains the following methods:

    • Constructor Sound(String name, double duration, String fileName), which initializes the object with the given information.

    • void play(), which plays the sound stored in this class by calling

    • String getName(), accessor for the sound’s name

    • double getDuration(), accessor for the sound’s duration

In main, test all the functions in your class. For example, the following code should produce the following output (and play the cricket sound).

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Sound sound = new Sound("cricket", 0.5, "wav/337435__ev-dawg__cricket.wav");
    System.out.printf("Sound: %s (%.2fs)\n", sound.getName(), sound.getDuration());;
$ javac-introcs
$ java-introcs Song
Sound: cricket (0.50s)


Write a program,, which stores a list of songs


  • SoundLibrary contains the following data (all data should be private):

    • array of Sounds (Sound[])

  • SoundLibrary contains the following methods:

    • Constructor SoundLibrary(String filename), initializes the object using a list of songs stored in a file

    • void list(), lists all the sounds available in the library

    • int getNumSounds(), returns the number of sounds in the library

    • void play(int songNumber), plays the sound corresponding to the given soundNumber. The first sound in the library has soundNumber 0. The second sound has soundNumber 1, etc.

In main, test all the functions in your class. For example, the following code should produce the following output (and play the sound entitled "magic").

public static void main(String[] args) {
    SoundLibrary library = new SoundLibrary("sounds.txt");
$ javac-introcs
$ java-introcs SongLibrary
0) meow - 1.00s
1) magic - 6.00s
2) gong - 12.00s
3) applause - 6.00s
4) crickets - 0.50s
5) yeah - 2.00s
6) beat-n-bass - 3.00s
7) whistle - 8.00s
8) trombone - 3.00s

To initialize the sound library, you will need to read in and parse the file sounds.txt.

  • The first line in sounds.txt contains the number of sounds in the file

  • Each subsequent line corresponds to a single sound. The information for each sound is separated by spaces

    • sound name

    • sound duration

    • sound filename (relative path)


Write a program,, that uses SoundLibrary to list and play sounds. This program shows the user a menu of sounds and lets them choose different sounds to play.

Your program should support the following commands:

  • quit: Quit the program

  • <id>: Play the song with the given id. Prints an error if the id is invalid.

If the user enters an invalid command, your program should print an error.

$ javac-introcs
$ java-introcs SoundBoard
0) meow - 1.00s
1) magic - 6.00s
2) gong - 12.00s
3) applause - 6.00s
4) crickets - 0.50s
5) yeah - 2.00s
6) beat-n-bass - 3.00s
7) whistle - 8.00s
8) trombone - 3.00s

Enter a command: -1
Invalid command: -1
0) meow - 1.00s
1) magic - 6.00s
2) gong - 12.00s
3) applause - 6.00s
4) crickets - 0.50s
5) yeah - 2.00s
6) beat-n-bass - 3.00s
7) whistle - 8.00s
8) trombone - 3.00s

Enter a command:
Invalid command:
0) meow - 1.00s
1) magic - 6.00s
2) gong - 12.00s
3) applause - 6.00s
4) crickets - 0.50s
5) yeah - 2.00s
6) beat-n-bass - 3.00s
7) whistle - 8.00s
8) trombone - 3.00s

Enter a command: play
Invalid command: play
0) meow - 1.00s
1) magic - 6.00s
2) gong - 12.00s
3) applause - 6.00s
4) crickets - 0.50s
5) yeah - 2.00s
6) beat-n-bass - 3.00s
7) whistle - 8.00s
8) trombone - 3.00s

Enter a command: 9
Invalid song id: 9
0) meow - 1.00s
1) magic - 6.00s
2) gong - 12.00s
3) applause - 6.00s
4) crickets - 0.50s
5) yeah - 2.00s
6) beat-n-bass - 3.00s
7) whistle - 8.00s
8) trombone - 3.00s

Enter a command: 1
0) meow - 1.00s
1) magic - 6.00s
2) gong - 12.00s
3) applause - 6.00s
4) crickets - 0.50s
5) yeah - 2.00s
6) beat-n-bass - 3.00s
7) whistle - 8.00s
8) trombone - 3.00s

Enter a command: quit

Extra challenge

Try adding your own songs and flair!

What to hand-in

  1. The programs,,, and

  2. Make sure your programs have a header containing your name, date, and description.

  3. A brief write-up containing your name, assignment number, and a few sentences about how long you spent on the assignment and any interesting bugs you solved.

How to hand-in

  1. Copy your files to your dropbox, into the folder called A06.